Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Circle of Love ~ Tuesday April 12

Tuesday April 12                                John 9:18-41

Yesterday the blind man was healed.  Today he is called to task because no one believes that the healing really came from Jesus.  They summon him twice with the same question.  Instead of trying to explain everything in great detail, he adds his simple testimony to the conversation.  He says, “One thing I do know.  I was blind but now I see!

I love that simple proclamation of faith.  It takes me back to the first time I read this passage of Scripture.  I was a new believer who was working hard to understand all the implications of God’s Word.  It was a big task that was getting a bit frustrating.  Then I found the blind man who had been restored to sight.  He could have offered a detailed theological explanation.  But instead he chose to simply and honestly share what he alone knew to be true.  I was blind but now I see!

Do you know the story the story of John Newton?  He was raised without any specific training in faith.  He became a sailor in the Royal Navy and eventually took part as the Captain of a ship engaged in slave trade.  His testimony of a changed heart became one of the best known songs in the English language.

When he wrote Amazing Grace his mind was captured by John 9:25 and the testimony of the man who was born blind.  Newton had been born spiritually blind but now his eyes were opened by the power of forgiveness.  His personal proclamation and witness is a powerful reminder of the grace of God.  I once was lost but now I’m found, was blind but now I see.

Newton gave his life to Christ and was eventually ordained in the Anglican Church.  What would you give in response to the grace of God!

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