Friday, April 22, 2011

Circle of Love ~ Friday April 22, 2011

Friday April 22                                               John 13:36-38              

Good Friday   Worship 6:30 tonight in the Wilson Worship Center

Quiet your heart today as we gather at the foot of the cross.  Consider this brief (yet powerful) interaction between Jesus and Peter.  Remember, Jesus is about to walk the streets of Jerusalem carrying his own cross of crucifixion.   He is about to give his life for the world. 

At first, Peter is eager to follow Jesus…he is willing to lay down his own life.  Then we hear the potent words of Jesus that remind us that the rooster will crow three times as a reminder of Peter’s denial.  As you choose your method of fasting I pray that it will allow you the blessing of being reminded of the times when the rooster has crowed in your life.

It is a powerful moment that will ultimately be reconciled and transformed at the empty tomb on Easter morning.  Peter will race John to the tomb to find that Jesus is alive and discover that his heart has been forgiven.

Today is a day to bring your own heart to the foot of the cross.  Maybe you will hear Jesus say, “Come! Follow me!”  What will you do?

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