Saturday, February 25, 2012

Day Four ~ Staying the Course

Have you ever noticed how easy it is for us to get off course?  This is only Day Four of our Lenten commitment but (for some) it can be a day of struggle.  Let me invite you to stay the course.  Not only because today is Saturday and tomorrow is a feast day...but because our knowledge and experience with God becomes richer when we demonstrate faithfulness.

Faithfulness is a wonderful gift that we offer to ourselves and to others.  In relationships we think about faithfulness as the key to developing trust.  In the spiritual life it is a central gift that we can give to God.  It demonstrates our trust in the Lord and it allows our heart to be open so the Holy Spirit can flow in.  Perhaps the faithful people of Scripture come to mind.  You can refresh your memory by taking a look at Hebrews chapter eleven.  You won't see them all, but you will be encouraged because ordinary people offered themselves to God in a spirit of diligence and trust.

Trust!  That is a key to the spiritual life!

On this Saturday I trust that you are placing yourself in a posture of obedience.  A willing offering of yourself that includes engagement with Scripture, a willingness to pray, a continuation of your fast, and a spirit of excitement about your opportunities to serve others.

Personally, I will be traveling to the southern part of Denver today.  I will spend most of the day facilitating a conversation about spiritual leadership and goal setting with a congregation that is anticipating an upward swing.  Your service might be a one-on-one conversation with a friend, a deed of unexpected kindness, or a word that you speak as a gift of love to someone who needs encouragement.  Whatever it is, consider all that God has given to you, and be grateful.  Then serve out of that spirit of gratitude. 

I pray that the Lord will bless you as you take a few minutes to watch the video.  Don't forget to check in with author / pastor Chris Seay at

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