Sunday, December 4, 2011

Isaiah 40:1-11          Psalm 85:1-2, 8-13          II Peter 3:8-15a          Mark 1:1-8

                 The Isaiah 40 and Mark 1 passages will be the focus for our Sunday Worship so we will take a look at the message from II Peter for our personal devotions. Once again, did you notice the “day of the Lord” theme? We talked about it on Monday of last week. Remember, ‘the day of the Lord’ is       always a specific reference to a particular day when salvation history and the activity of God will be   revealed in a life changing way.
We also see another theme that we have visited in the past week. It is the subject of waiting or being patient. But here it is a combination of our ability to faithfully wait along with the reality that God is also waiting on his people. God is waiting (being patient) because the Lord does not want      anyone to perish. God is holding off ‘that day’ until all have had a chance to repent.
We also discover that the topic of patiently waiting is also coupled with another key theme. It is about watching and being prepared. God wants to add blessing to our lives. But we run the risk of missing the blessing because we may not be paying attention. The ability to be spiritually alert is a key prerequisite for our discovery of a deeper life with Christ.
I want to invite you to spend a few moments in reflection today. Perhaps you can take some time this afternoon to remember the times when God has been patient with you. From there, reflect on verse 14. What do you think? Are you fully at peace with God?   

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