Friday, December 9, 2011

Philippians 3:12-16

Psalm 126          Habakkuk 3:2-6          Philippians 3:12-16

                 May I stick with the Apostle Paul and the Book of Philippians for one more day? I hope you grant permission, because here we go!
                 Every Christian has a testimony. Every believer has a word to share about how their                 relationship with God has become vital and valued. Each person has something that can become an   encouragement to someone who is seeking a deeper faith. Unfortunately, we have convinced           ourselves that testimony is something for someone else. Surely not for me!
But our journey to the celebration of Christmas has a different word for us. Testimony is good!  In fact, testimony is a wonderful and expected ingredient of the Christian life. We all have a testimony.  The question is this…will we be willing to share it? Because if a testimony is not shared is simply a      secret. And secrets by nature cannot be an encouragement.
Paul’s testimony may be more extensive than our resume but his witness is not more powerful.  It is just more extensive. Your witness, your testimony has power to the people within your sphere of influence. Have you shared it lately?
We do not need to be at the top of the Christian pyramid before our testimony can be certified as worthy. According to the Apostle Paul all we need to do it contained in verse 16. “Let us live up to what we have already attained.” Let us live, act, and breathe the things that we already know about the Lord. We can wait on the rest. But first, let us live up to the things we have discovered. If we do that, our testimony will be valid and valuable. Is there someone (within your sphere of influence) who will be blessed by a word from you today?   

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