Monday, December 6, 2010

Gospel of Luke Monday December 6, 2010

Chapter Nine Monday, December 6, 2010

Before we get started with today's post...let me just say thanks to all for a great day in worship on Sunday! I pray that it means as much to you as it does to me. I love being a part of the Wilson family! Now, let's discover more from Luke!

“Taking the five loaves and the two fish and looking up to heaven, he gave thanks and broke them. Then he gave them to the disciples to set before the people. They all ate and were satisfied and the disciples picked up twelve basketfuls of broken pieces that were left over.” Luke 9:16-17

Have you ever noticed the three primary activities related to the hands of Jesus? He tends to beckon, bless, or break. As he is calling the early disciples to ‘come follow me,’ he beckons with his hand to invite them on a journey of radical faith. When he gathers the children, he places his hands on them and blesses them where they stand. In the passage above he breaks the loaves and fish to feed the 5000 who are gathered on the hillside. In the Gospel of John he breaks the bread at the Passover table. In Luke he walks with the disciples on the Road to Emmaus and breaks bread with them at the end of the day.

Each of these spiritual movements has incredible meaning for us as we approach the experience of Christmas and the manger scene. The shepherds came to bless him. The Wise Men arrived as the star beckoned them to follow. And in just 18 days we will gather in the worship center to remember the Christ Child through the lighting of candles and the breaking of bread.

When Jesus beckons it is our task to follow. When he blesses it is up to us to receive so we can pass it along to others. And when he breaks the bread it is our responsive heart that is fed by the grace of God present in that offering of his own life. In the act of breaking we discover the beauty of multiplication. Many are fed, many are freed, and many are found.

I wonder if you would be willing to join me in an act of faith during this Advent season. Would you join other sisters and brothers in the faith by simply allowing your heart to be open to the beckoning hand of Jesus? Would you willingly allow his hand to bless your life? Would you be available to the grace of God in a new and fresh way as we break bread together? If we do, many will be fed, all will be satisfied, and there will be an abundance left for others.

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