Monday, November 23, 2009

A Colorado Contrast

6:45 AM and I am driving West on Rockrimmon toward the church. The sky is beautiful blue with just a hint of pink arriving from the rising sun. Pikes Peak stands majestic in my windshield. It has a light cover of lingering snow that has been brightened white with an overnight dusting. It to begins to reflect the red orange of the early morning sun. It is a beautiful Colorado Springs day!

Just across the street from Eagle View Middle School ... another majestic sight. A huge multi-point buck is walking leisurely up the sidewalk like an early morning exercise guru. His neck is engorged and his body is marvelously muscular in the freshness of the day. His antlers look like something from a National Geographic photo. His presence (along with a multitude of his friends) is a reminder that we live in a unique and environment.

Thirty seconds later I arrive at Vindicator and Centennial. I am one intersection from Flying W Ranch Road where the church waits patiently. Just then, something catches my eye. Two military attack helicopters are flying across the front face of the Peak. They are in formation flying North toward the Academy.

The contrast struck me as a message about the world we live in today. At the core, it is filled with the beauty of God's creation. Life is good. But (very near the surface) is the real need to maintain a watchful and vigilant spirit of readiness. Even the beauty of the moment will not allow us to lay down our guard. It is the world today. It is another Colorado contrast.

In a spirit of Thanksgiving, I pause to pray for those who maintain the watch - here and around the globe.

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