Wednesday, January 31, 2018

You can find us on Chelsea Ct in Elizabeth


It has been a really long time.  I hope you have been well.  I want to bring you up to date on our latest adventure.

Many of you know that Sue and I have been restoring a 1912 hotel / boarding house in Genoa, Colorado.  Genoa is our spiritual birthplace where we both came to faith back in the 1970's.  We love the 'city' of Genoa and we love the hotel project.  Sue actually thinks it was a brothel.  It makes a much better 'if walls could talk' story around the campfire!

We are also remodeling a house in Elizabeth, Colorado where we will formally retire this summer.  As soon as the Elizabeth place is ready to go, we will make a move and then put our Parker home on the market.  Hopefully, everything will flow and the Lord will be blessed.

Meanwhile, we are just playing like we had 'em.

I will share a bit more as we go along.  You can still find us at the Parker United Methodist Church and you still add incredible value to our lives.

Randy Jessen